My boy Mish was diagnosed with toe eczema by 3 dermatologists way back in 2005. They all said eczema runs in my family. They all prescribed steroidal creams. We never came back to those quacks. We cured his toe. This is how we did it. It was terrible.
My handsome 2 year old having a wound he would scratch all the time. No amount of telling him NOT to scratch would work. His big toe bled. It looked bad. His toe nail was also ravaged.
I took him to Cardinal Santos medical hospital and had 3 dermatologists take a look at his foot to diagnose and easily identify. Or so I thought they would. They all said eczema runs in my family. They all prescribed steroidal creams. We never came back to those quacks.
We went to a better doctor. We went to Dr. Divina Hey, she had studied being a western MD, homeopathy and anthroposophy. Whatever those insights gave her, she immediately identified this problem as a simple internal infection deep in my boy’s toe.
The recommendation: Dunk his foot in the hottest water he can stand 15 minutes at a time in 2 hour intervals until the pus seeps out. Once all the pus seeps out he will be cured of his “eczema.” What we did: We followed the instructions above plus added guava leaves as an antiseptic. When all the pus seeped out, we squished some fresh bitter melon leaves juice on the open wound as an germicide. In less than 1 week, my son was CURED of his big toe eczema! The genetic theory of the 3 dermatologists were false.
The ravaged toe nail: I had the village hairdresser take a look at it. She said it was nail fungi. Great analysis! I went to Healthy Options and asked for anti-toe-nail-fungi medicine. The helpful store clerk showed my Jason’s Nail Saver from Australia, 70% tea tree oil and other ingredients. After 3 months of application 2x per day, his toe nail was CURED!
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