Child Eczema Treatment, Child Eczema Cure – Part 02 October 7 Update

From the title readers may feel I assume child eczema cure too much. But of course. Begin with the end in mind. I have cured myself and helped many others get well from eczema, I can assume that my own son will get well very soon. So here we are following my own eczema cure protocol and thinking throughout what else we have missed. The trick is to be systematic and be thorough.

I’ve asked my son to keep doing daily rebound exercises some 10 minutes a day to keep the lymph flowing. My mother in law got a nice new Reboundair rebounder.

Diet is raw paleo diet. We’ve got good raw beef we make into raw beef barbecue where the condiments are raw wild honey mixed with ilocos garlic, salt, pepper and calamansi. Put in barbecue sticks.

We also got good raw fish malasugi turned into ceviche so it is still kind of raw.

And for extra vitamins we have raw live clams.

My wife took our son to the chiropractor Saturday morning.

Dr. Brush said:

“Cush’s pelvic rings are counter rotated.”

So he fixed it.

I wonder what those are.

But I’m sure that will help.

The above is an old video of the same chiropractor adjusting our son some years ago.

Last night my sister in law did a religious “LUOP” thing on my boy which seems to have improved the free flow of eczematic fluid.

With sheer determination, thoroughness and logical thinking, we will succeed in this child eczema cure.

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