One of the great things about 21st century information technology is we have access to a lot of data, a lot of different points of views, a lot of experiences of OTHER CURED PEOPLE. This knowledge snowballs and becomes larger and more informative as the years progress. Take the case of Luke from Poland. Because others have reported it, written about it, showed psoriasis cures, he was able to find his own PSORIASIS CURE.
Luke learned the principles of eating clean pure raw food: a raw paleo diet with raw fruit, raw vegetables and raw meat with raw fat. Luke learned the principles of cleaning his body which are usually called detox protocols. Plus he did many things specific to his own personality.
Armed with knowledge, armed with determination, Luke charged on – a man with a mission – he made the needed changes in his life and he did make it. He made it through the rain. Just like in that old Barry Manilow song. I get sentimental when I hear that song.
How about you? Would you like to “make it through the rain” as well? Be Psoriasis Cured?
*** Updated June 26, 2011 to include Luke’s Psoriasis Cure Journal
Follow Luke’s Psoriasis Cure journal here:
Psoriasis Cure Part 01
Psoriasis Cure Part 02
Psoriasis Cure Part 03
Psoriasis Cure Part 04
Psoriasis Cure Part 05
Psoriasis Cure Part 06
Psoriasis Cure Part 07
Greetings from Niels from the Netherlands.
Was there an earthquake in your country ? I hope you are allright.
Can you tell me what kind of meals you eat ?
Can you give me some example meals ? I need more variation.
Hi from the Netherlands. I heard there was an earthquake in Filipines ? Everything ok with you ?
My question is if you can post examples of meals you eat. I’m asking you because I’m looking for more variation in my meals.

Stop do this becuse I will be crying with emotion
Man I am realy happy .When I have these awfull scars and discomfort in the same time I was I only thought about to be cured .That was my dream. Now I know what it means to have a serious “illness” , but you all must know that this is not a disease , it is your body is strong to cleanse itself and You must only help your body as well as you can in real naturall healthy way.
is still not that correct if I wanted to have it 
I will be check all site blog and eczemacure forum all time so I will attempt to help as much as I can.
P.S. And sorry for my english
Cheers and good luck for all of you
Luke Skywalker
Earthquake last March 23 was small only intensity 6.
No harm done. Thank you for the concern.
I should be making a proper write up of your cure process by summarizing from your journal and putting the before and after pictures side by side.
Ok ,
I gives you complete freedom, especially to the fact that my English is not the appropriate level
Hey Luke, I was considering adding raw meat to my diet but I don’t have alot of knowledge about it. I wanted to know what kind of meat do you eat, how much of it each meal, how often, and where do you get it. Thanks alot.