Dry Skin? Try this Raw Fatty Lubricating Daily Diet and Living Routine

Dry skin sufferers depend on their lotions. However labeled “natural”, they are external kludges and eventually will do harm in the long run. Lubrication and hydration of the body is not what people conventionally expect. That is why people continue to get sick. This suggestion is a conglomeration of what I learned by experience and experimenting with the teachings of Aajonus Vonderplanitz in his 2 books.

First is the issue of water. Ingestion of lots of water will not lead you to being hydrated. In fact, avoid drinking water as well as avoid taking a bath… bathe every other day or longer. It is fat, fat, fat and more fat that should lubricate you, quench your thirst and energize you and should nourish you from the inside out and provide you with moisture.

Of course to have fat usable by your body, you must have done your liver flushes to clear your liver of stones and debris. And you must nourish your liver with raw meat protein and zucchini in Bieler’s soup. A daily egg yolk liver flush in the morning, daily Bieler’s soup and in 1 week or more your digestive system will be online. Of course prior to any liver flushing you may have to do some colon cleansing. And after liver flushing you may need to do some kidney cleansing with avocado tea or just injesting water melons if in season.

Now suppose you have your liver and digestive system online working for you, we can continue with the fatty lubricating daily diet:

  • Wake up to 2 raw eggs, eat it all, not just the yolk
  • 2 hours later some fresh raw coconut meat (malakanin).
  • 2 hours later some fresh raw fatty beef, say 1/4 volume visually is live back fat or bone marrow is better if you have the money for it. Some raw tuna or raw blue marlin for variety. Eat at least 1/2 kilogram (1.1 pounds) of raw meat a day.
  • 2 hours later some ripe avocados (avocados are in season now)

Repeat the process the whole day. If you are extra thirsty, get some cool water melon to satisfy thirst, but if fat will satisfy you, the better.

Avoid olive oil, because in this case, olive oil causes dry skin. That is why I suggest you do egg yolk liver flushes.

The trick is to saturate your body with lots of fat and animal meat. If you can afford it, the more raw fatty animals, the better. No food combining. Space each food 2 hours in between.

For the lifestyle, stop brushing your teeth. Do oil pulling. I have good success with virgin coconut oil. Do 20 minutes each oil pulling in the morning, noon and night. It takes time, but you just have to do it.

As you feel your skin moisturizing from the inside, you can begin to use less and less of your kludge lotions. The path to wellness depends on you getting rid of all the chemical inputs whether ingested or placed on your skin.

You may experimenting with putting very ripe avocado meat on your skin instead of lotion. Avocado meat is an age old historical skin beauty agent. Here are some reported benefits of using avocado on your skin from a south african website:

  • It is also high in sterolins, which are reputed to reduce age spots, help heal sun damage and scars. It is the sterolins (also called plant steroids) in the oil that helps to soften the skin and imparts a superior moisturizing effect.
  • For this reason it is an ideal ingredient to include when formulating for people with dehydrated, sun or climate damaged skin, as it is an extremely good moisturizing and nourishing compound, assisting in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • In a study done at the Department of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in 1991, it was found that avocado oil significantly increases the amount of collagen in the skin – which normally is under attack as we grow older.
  • Avocado oil is easily absorbed into deep tissue, and with its wonderfully emollient properties, makes it ideal for mature skins. It also helps to relieve the dryness and itching of psoriasis and eczema.
  • It is often used for clients with dry or mature skins, or people suffering from eczema or psoriasis, and is very useful when treating sun or climate damaged skin that is dehydrated and undernourished, as it is said to help with regenerating the skin and softening the tissue.

Source: http://www.ageless.co.za/herb-avocado.htm

Raw Fat is cleansing, raw fat is nourishing, raw fat is lubricating. All hail raw fat. Especially raw animal fat. Yummy good.

Good luck and let me know by replying on this blog post. Make adjustments as you see fit.


  1. Hello GS,
    I have a question , why olive oil causes dry skin ?

    I have good progress now after 12 liver flushes , I’ve gained few Kg and i look better.I have more energy , but still few pimples, but gosh these are only few pimples not all arm .So liver flushes are very good for me , they do better for my digestive system.

  2. Hi Luke,

    That olive oil dries skin in the long term is reported by fat consuming practitioners. This article was made for people with very dry skin. If you do not have a problem with dry skin, then olive oil will serve you well.

    It’s nice to know you are progressing very well!

  3. Hello, I’m experiencing a very annoying problem. For the past few weeks my skin has been itching but there has been no visible rash.What information can you give me about my rash?

  4. @ arumi

    does your skin turn read at all? or is it just itching? sounds like it could be chronic hives…but it would be driving you crazy by now I think. has your diet changed?

  5. mark dybing says:

    hi there,
    what is “oil pulling?” – how does that relate to brushing your teeth?
    also why do you recommend stopping brushing your teeth?
    if you dont brush your teeth what do you do to stop cavities?


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