How It Feels to Be Eczema Cured for almost 5 years

Happy New Year! It is 2011. Time flies so fast and this website is turning 5 years old soon, in May 2011. About the same time I declared I was cured. My cured then was eczema symptom free. But internally, I wasn’t that healthy yet. At that time I still had liver stones, and I still did some botched up experiments and would see a small eczema spot from time to time. Nowadays I am so so so so super cured and so much healthier than I’d ever been my whole life, I’m helping people with different diseases, I sometimes forget that it was this website, this eczema disease experience that rocked my world and gave me the inspiration to truly learn what real health is all about.

The issue about eczema cure or psoriasis cure is merely to regain health, to gain health, to be healthy, to be super duper duper healthy, more than you have ever known your whole life. When you are in excellent tip top health, there is absolutely no way you will ever get eczema or psoriasis.

The entire medical mindset about eczema or psoriasis being genetic is whole bunch of garbage. If you are suffering from eczema or psoriasis, you are not as healthy as you think you are. There is a lot of room for improvement! Don’t compare yourself with other people, compare yourself to yourself at a different period in time. Other people may not be eczematic or psoriatic, their compensating mechanism may be different, say mucus formation, tumor formation, there are other ways of detoxing one’s self.

How do I feel today in 2011? The best! Too good. I’d almost forgotten how it was to be sick. I have to look back in this website, look at my old pictures here, just to see how bad it was, to remind myself how awful my old life was. I have changed so much inside, outside, emotionally, intellectually I am a new person.

The change is real. And it is here to stay. I look at myself and I think I look good. I tell my children I’m living until 120 years old. I tell my children they will be living 150 years old with the educational inputs I give them. I really like my raw paleo diet. 3 years now. I really like my raw paleo diet and lifestyle. For me, this is normal, and no one, nobody can argue with the stellar results… not just for me, but for the people I’ve helped cure, not just with eczema or psoriasis, but for other diseases.

I found out that I cannot cure everyone. That the drive to be cured must be inside of you. I cannot help you if you cannot help yourself. You must have that drive. All the information, all the websites, all the support is here. If you cannot surf the internet, if you cannot join and understand forums, then you are handicapped. You must be driven. Driven to a passion to succeed.

I’ve found it is easier to change people’s religion than it is to change their diet.  Yet diet change and habit change and thinking change are those precisely needed to deliver these cures.

Nowadays it is foolish for anyone to believe in incurables. If you still believe eczema and psoriasis are incurable then you must be paid hacks of those multinational companies selling patented snake oil “treatments”.

The internet and new technologies will bring the content of true eczema cures and psoriasis cures to every human being on earth.

I’ve learned that if you want to be cured, you stay away from those who believe in the incurables, stop being friends with them, they poison your mind.  Be friends with the cured, be friends who are fellow cured, be friends with the winners.  This is why I like hanging out at because this is where the winners hang out.

Small announcement, I shortened my facebook page to click to like it!


  1. I agree that if you want to be cured you have to be positive in anyway as possible so in this way you can be able to stay focus and prevent the things that it would cause your illness to being worst.

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