My successful 5th liver flush results

I would like to report a very successful 5th liver / gallbladder flush that ended yesterday 15th April 2006.

I can never get used to the taste of extra virgin olive oil + lemon juice, I always felt like puking. Although my mother in law loves that lemon taste, my sister in law suggests grapefruit juice next time on my 6th flush as it tastes and mixes so much better.

My last flush was on November 28, 2005; almost 5 months ago. I tried a flush this January 2006 but it was aborted due to gas pains. I tried using organic apple juice but it turned my stomach extremely acidic.

I went back to Ceres and Harvey Crushed Apple Juice for this 5th flush.

How many stones this time?

I went to the toilet twice. The first dump had some 10 or so 1 centimeter stones and many many bits. The second dump had around 5 bigger pieces, the biggest pieces I have ever unloaded.

Maybe some of these stones are new, or maybe they were old stones. I guess I will never know.

Immediate results?

My initial observation is that the small scab in my right leg’s eczema site now FEELS EMPTY. When I feel it, press it, rub it… there is no longer any feeling of itchiness or deeply seated eczematic fluid. It seems I will be able to finish off the last 2% earlier than expected. 🙂

WARNING: Only if you would like to see the really gross photographic evidence, go to the 2nd page of this report.

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