Archives for September 2012

Chicken Pox is a Form of Eczema, Sharing my Recent Family Experience

A chicken pox epidemic just swept my family and extended family. It began with my 9 year old boy, then spread to my 11 year old boy, my 8 year old girl, to their 12 year old cousin, to their 10 year old cousin, to 43 year old me, to my 29 year old sister in law, to our 20 year old maid. That is a total of eight people who had never had chicken pox before and are now chicken pox veterans. Observations of chicken pox: first 3 days malaise, with chicken pox marks water vesicles coming out… eczema, most say itchy, some will try to resist scratching… scabbing, healing scars taking a long time. [Read more…]