I could never, ever, ever, ever in a million years eat raw animal meat (to cure eczema or cure psoriasis)

I would like to thank scorpgirl of skincaretalk.com for this quotation. “I could never, ever, ever, ever in a million years eat raw animal meat. I have read about raw food diets, but I do not recall them ever recommeding raw animal meat.”

This is exactly the mass disinformation campaign I am disgusted at raw vegans with. The initial salvo of raw veganism co-opted the concept of raw-foodism such that massive numbers of people equate raw foodism with raw veganism which is ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY WRONG.

The correct concept of RAW FOODISM is everything raw, everything from raw fruits, raw vegetables and most importantly and eventually majority of your food is RAW MEAT. [Read more…]

Over the Counter Eczema Treatments Available on Amazon.com

Did you know that much of the Eczema Cure Protocol detox treatments are available on Amazon.com? Amazing progress for real eczema treatments. Sure, it’s technically not over the counter eczema treatments, they are over the Amazon.com counter eczema treatments. So let’s get started. [Read more…]

Dust Mite Allergies Causing Eczema is a Cop Out

Once again I heard from a father say that his child has eczema because he is allergic to dust and dust mites. This is a miserable cop out excuse by a lame, poorly educated doctor. All those allegations that you are allergic to dust mites is mostly a farce. Unless you let your house and car become a garbage dump, any well kept clean house should be clean enough for any healthy person. What we want is you or your child to be healthy enough not to need eczema. [Read more…]