Doctor Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D., made the following statement: “In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems.
Dr. H. H. Boeker believed that over 90 percent of diseases are caused or complicated by toxins created in the intestinal tract by unhealthy foods that are not properly eliminated.” Autointoxication occurs when, due to poor elimination, certain toxins escape from the bowel into the blood stream and poison the body, causing a silent form of self-poisoning.
Many doctors have noted the pivotal importance of the colon in the body’s health, from the ancients to the moderns. Physicians from ancient Rome and Greece felt that “death begins in the colon.” (Hippocrates) These healers regarded the colon as a life-center of the body – one of its most important organs.
If you are not pooping AT LEAST ONCE per day, you have a colon problem.
The colon’s importance seems often to be glossed over and patronized by today’s mainstream approach, in which the colon is thought of simply as the body’s sewer, without regard for its many critical, dynamic biologic functions.
Your colon could like this:

Dirty Colon from

Clean Colon from
A dirty colon will always lead to ill health.