The terms eczema and dermatitis are often used interchangeably to denote an inflammatory process in the skin. The term eczema or excema is broadly applied to a range of persistent or recurring skin rashes characterized by redness, skin edema, itching and dryness, with possible crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing or bleeding.

eczema is just the tip of an iceberg
In short, anything that looks like the above description, where usually an ignorant doctor does not know the solution, will usually prescribe a cream, ointment, or pill that will suppress the symptoms by suppressing normal human immune system action. These items are usually steroids. These steroids give you the illusion of a cure by suppressing the symptoms, the eczema on your skin. When you stop using the steroids, eventually the eczema returns.
Eczema is a disease. Eczema, the disease, is your own body’s way of temporarily relieving itself from whatever is really wrong with it. Your human body in its wisdom has to resort to this eczema method so that your vital organs remain undamaged. Inflammation is a good thing. This is your immune system at work. Suppressing your immune system is wrong. The proof of this theory is that cured eczemas leave no scars.
In the light of this new information, we should even be thankful for the eczema for saving our life. But this cannot go on forever. The eczema condition cannot save our health for long. If a cure is not found soon, this may result in total body breakdown. We must now analyze the underlying reasons for the eczema.
An eczema diagnosis can be made for something as trivial as a localized minor infection, some germ or parasite infestation, or something as systemic as blood toxemia.