Archives for September 2007

Busy with Bugoy Healing Crisis. Please see

The past week and probably until the end of September I am busy attending to my brother Bugoy who has finally undergone a 3rd healing crisis that will probably finally wind up curing him. This is our chance. Seize the opportunity.

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I get Bugoy to take EMC PH Drops to alkalize his body

Last Thursday evening I called up Bugoy to walk up from the train station and join me in the Castech office for him to learn about the EMC PH Drops so it can help him with his psoriasis.
Funny though, Bugoy does not like me calling his condition psoriasis. Whatever you call it, it is systemic. Good that I saw his healing skin after a few days of colon cleansing using Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea.

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Poor Cousin’s Eczema on Arm Problem and Cure Strategy

I hired my 29 year old cousin to be our company driver. Turns out he was developing eczema on his right arm. Then last thursday it turned ugly and starting spewing pus. Plus he felt his lymph nodes under his arm and at the right side of his chest swell and he became feverish.
Cousin says he’s had this before. The last time on his left arm. But never this bad to be feverish and with swelling lymph nodes.

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