Archives for 2007

Ken Guy gives Eczema Cure advice in Topix Forum

An altruistic man going by the name Ken Guy registered in the Topix forums and shared his knowledge and experience with eczema and how to cure eczema.

Ken Guy is a true gem. He cured his own eczema and he would like the rest of the world to know about it and he would like to help many people be cured as well.

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Truth in healing: Cheap and Open Source

I’m currently having a discussion with my best friend who unfortunately is sold on the concepts of western pharmaceutical medicine. I’ve told him their quackery has killed his own mother, his father and his father in law. Now that he is next in line taking “hypertension medication” for “borderline hypertension” he is still solid with what he calls “evidence based medicine.” Give me a break, his parents were slaughtered and he still does not see it. My friend even tells me to watch out for the “quacks” of alternative medicine.

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Sleep before 10pm everyday will do wonders for your eczema

Sleep is an aspect I’ve missed in my previous cure protocols. Sleep and adequate rest is of prime importance in any health regimen. You want to be a champ? Learn to sleep like a champ!

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