Archives for 2007

Warning on Calcium Hydroxide Alkali Burns!

I would like to warn people about the use of the chemical Calcium Hydroxide. I read about the use and the warnings about calcium hydroxide from the askmoreless site. It is very real. I personally experienced being chemically burned; it is painful, ugly, and looks like it will take some time to heal.
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12th Liver Flush via Hulda Clark after Parasite Cleanse and Colon Cleanse

I would like to report my most wonderful results with my first ever Hulda Clark type of Liver Flush as described in her book Cure for All Diseases page 555. This is my 12th flush and the success I owe to several factors. Dr Clark recommends a parasite cleanse (herbal and zap) before a liver flush. Andreas Moritz recommends colon cleanse before and after a liver flush. I did both.
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Feb 2007 Eczema Cure Protocol

I never finished my Jan 2007 eczema cure protocol as I had no time while attending to curing my brother who suffered a fate worse than mine. Thanks to his case, my eczema and total health research continues with more raging passion and conviction. This is my first cure protocol for 2007.
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