Archives for April 2008

Helping a poor psoriatic man I just met

I was lined up in the bank this afternoon and I was looking curiously at a small man who seemed like his house caught fire and he got burned terribly pink. I just couldn’t resist and smiled at him and ask how he got burnt.

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There is no eczema or psoriasis disease… only symptoms!

The words eczema and psoriasis are just shortcut profitable names to describe symptoms that obviously manifest on the skin. Profitable for the snake oil salesmen.
But we are not interested in their profits. We are only interested in cures, your cure, I’m already cured. Thus we come to the analysis that eczema and psoriasis are mere symptoms, symptoms that shout out that “Hey, something is wrong with this body, and this body has to resort to this eczema or psoriasis to survive, it’s time you did something to make this body healthier so that I don’t have to resort to this ugly measure.”

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Contraceptive lies and health degeneration

It never ceases to amaze me to the lengths people will sabotage their health just so they can indulge in contraceptive sex. They will accept the wholesale marketing lies by the contraceptive manufacturers and actually pay no mind that their contraceptives may be the ones causing their symptoms.

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