Archives for November 2009

Anthroposophy and Homeopathy Medicines vs Raw Paleo Diet

MIL is still having itchy bumps on various parts of her body. Lately she also admitted to have lots of warts all over her body. I suggested raw paleo diet and beam ray treatments for the warts. The thought of raw meat immediately turns her off. The thought of not eating wheat products was unappealing to her it tickled her religious bone that “God would not have created wheat as food if wheat was all bad”. [Read more…]

Misunderstanding number 3 – Take anti-allergic, immuno-suppressive, and anti-pruritic agents as needed for treatment

I would like to expound on this topic as described by the great skin disease cure doctor Dr. Tsai who resides in Japan and has clinics around the world:

Misunderstanding number 3 – Take anti-allergic, immuno-suppressive, and anti-pruritic agents as needed for treatment.

Since these internal medicines suppress the activities of metabolic wastes, the wastes will remain and hide in the body as you continue to take the drug. Also, these drugs actually become internal toxins furthering your condition and making a cure for your skin disease impossible.

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Misunderstanding number 2 – Use ointments, oils and lotions

I would like to expound on Dr. Tsai the skin disease healer’s statement about why one should not use ointments, oils and lotions:

Unhealthy skin means that allergens are present in the body. Allergens, which are working out of the body, go backward into the cell if you put ointment on to shield the skin surface. You cannot cure skin diseases as long as you depend on ointments, oils and lotions.

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