Archives for December 2009

Geoff Purcell: Advice For Newbies Wishing To Slowly Ease Into A Raw-Animal-Food Diet

On my way to the ultimate eczema cure I vowed I would follow the way to truth and best possible health wherever it may lead and it led me to a diet today of mostly raw fatty animal foods.

I now turn you over to my raw paleo diet teacher Geoff Purcell (he’s younger than me). Geoff has been on raw paleo diet for a long time and has been posting at All Experts, Yahoo Groups and Raw Paleo Forum. He lives in the UK and is hard on truth in the raw paleo forums. Here is his guide for newbies who want to get into a raw paleo diet where the hardest part for most people is how to adjust to eating raw animal foods — eating raw meat.
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Eczema Cure is now on Facebook

Someone told me having a Facebook page may be a good idea. Oh well, here goes. Visit

Blood Detox / Lymph Detox Machine Now Available in Singapore

Do you remember my coverage of Dr. Tsai’s website? The Chinese doctor who now resides in Japan and cures all skin diseases routinely? Dr. Tsai has a blood / lymph detox machine, a suction machine, much like a very efficient scratcher which in the pictures and description in his book sucks out the toxins already in the lymph and in the surface of the skin that the body wants to expel. There is immediate relief when these toxins are led out. [Read more…]