Archives for June 2010

Paleo Diet: Potatoes, Leaky Gut, and other Autoimmune Disease

Dr. Loren Cordain released this information about potatoes being part of the nightshade family and causing autoimmune diseases. Do you have an autoimmune disease? Eczema? Psoriasis? Leaky Gut? Inflammations? Maybe it is time you stopped eating potatoes. [Read more…]

Raw Paleo Diet for Eczema Logic: Anopsology Theory by Guy-Claude Burger

I have been ranting about all you who want an eczema cure or a psoriasis cure to eat a raw paleolithic diet and join the raw paleo forum. Here is one of those foundations of the raw paleo diet. This is called Anopsology by Guy-Claude Burger. IF you want a final and lasting cure, then you must eat a raw paleo diet. No ifs and buts. I wanted to be cured 1,000% and if it means being a weirdo and eat raw meat daily, I did it and I still do because today I am healthier than at any point in my life because of this.  There is nothing weird about looking fit, young and beautiful with perfect skin. [Read more…]

Eczema Idea: Auto Detailing is the Operative Phrase to Clean Your Car

Here’s one for you drivers of old cars. You may feel your car is dusty or worse if it is MOLDY. You need to clean your car. Not just any vacuuming will do, it has to be AUTO DETAILING. You take your car to the nearest auto detailing center and you pay a couple of thousand pesos. These people are specialists in cleaning your car, every square inch, so that eczematics, asmatics, psoriatics can use it without allergic side effects. [Read more…]