Archives for 2010

Home Inspection to help cure Infant Psoriasis

I went home inspecting today to help a 6 month old boy with his very visible psoriasis on his checks and chest area. He is fully breast fed, no solid food yet. He’s so plump and jolly looking handsome. Oh, he’s afraid of me. But on to the inspection. [Read more…]

Hand Psoriasis Cure – Just another pleasant side effect of Raw Meat Primal Diet

Listen to this couple who has been on Aajonus Vonderplanitz’ Primal Diet for a year. Wife initially sought IBS cure, she got it. Rick initially sought an arthritis cure, he got it. Then after a year they evaluated the other bonuses they got from the raw meat, raw fat, high meat Primal Diet. Psoriasis cure and alligator skin cure was just another benefit. [Read more…]

Repcillin Crocodile Oil for Secondary Infections in Eczema

I remember in 2005 when my eczema raged on. I had secondary infections. My herbalist then cut various freshly picked herbs to quell my secondary infections. But what about people who do not have access to such a herbalist? Maybe there is an equivalent animal product that can work to help heal the secondary infections of eczema? There is, it’s called Repcillin Crocodile Oil from South Africa. As it says, it is crocodile oil / fat. [Read more…]