Archives for February 2011

Open Your Mind to Helminthic Therapy by Jasper Lawrence

I stumbled across an amazing man who is hell bent in unlocking the secrets of what he calls helminthic therapy. There is such a thing as parasite cleansing when we are overloaded with parasites as I recommend in the detox protocols. But there is also such a thing as being too clean. I remember this 25+ years ago when my brother was very small. My parents at that time were too much against all forms of germs they didn’t want my brother playing in the dirt / soil. I remember my aunts and uncles saying being too clean is bad for your health, children need to get down and dirty to develop their immune system. My brother went on to have psoriasis later in life. [Read more…]

Paleo Diet Raw Food Lecture For My 9 Year Old Boy on Detox Including Eczema

For the past weeks now my 9 year old boy has had a cough and cold.  I let my wife enjoy her trying to cure our son through her various anthroposophic concoctions and she even had me buy a nebulizer machine.  She’s at her wits end as to why our boy still is not getting well.  So I volunteered to again for the nth time put our boy on a raw paleo diet to finally get rid of that persistent cough and cold. [Read more…]