Archives for February 2011

Eczema Safe Raw and Paleo Diet Meats Feast

I observed that the reason people get bad quality food, sickening food, eczema causing, psoriasis causing food is they abdicate the marketing and food preparation to the help or someone who’s time is cheaper… and may be less intelligent, in fact – non-knowledgeable about nutrition. [Read more…]

Psoriasis Cured on Raw Food, Raw Paleo Diet, Raw Primal Diet – Then Back Again with Cooked Grains and Cooked Meat

Canadian lady, Foxwoman tells her story of how she’s had psoriasis for as long as she can remember. And that this psoriasis progressively got worse as she grew older. Then she discovered raw paleo diet, the version that worked for her was raw primal diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. After 2 years, she put her psoriasis in remission, cured her psoriasis, cured her pitted nails, cured her depression, cured her anxiety, cured her IBS. I just love cures… cure everything, cure all. [Read more…]

Yeast Infection No More for Psoriasis and Eczema – Scam? No. The Real Deal.

A book called Yeast Infection No More is out there, and as I have discussed in my eczema and psoriasis cure protocol is that part of the root causes of some eczema and psoriasis is yeast infection / candida. This book has been getting rave reviews and someone on asked if this book is a scam or what? I was curious myself. [Read more…]