Sand fly bites, welts, Christmas feasts, egg yolk liver flush and itchy detox

This is an on-going blow by blow documentation of my sand fly bites – 20 plus bites – from Palawan – which may have infected me with protozoan leishmaniasis, malaria or who knows what exotic microbes they have there.  What is significant is I came down with a severe cold, mucus… can you believe it?  Being on a mostly raw paleolithic diet the whole year I have never gotten a cold… except after those 20 sand fly bites.

The welts covered my but and my legs and spread up my back.  I combated the initial infection of the microbes by ingestion of oregano oil, zapping, barefoot herbalist dewormer… then I experienced constipation and massive welts… itching… I took Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea for my strong herbal colon cleanse, I took avocado leaves tea for kidney cleansing, I drank 1 liter of apple juice to move my liver,  I did steam baths to let out the toxins during the first awesome itch outbreak.  And instead of doing a Hulda Clark liver flush at night, I began an egg yolk liver flush because we ran out of extra virgin olive oil.

Yesterday was the 24th of december and we visited relatives for breakfast and lunch and dinner and I had to eat.  So as not to offend, I ate cooked fatty meat and raw fruits… regular paleolithic diet. After dinner I took a dose of Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea to poop out the offending foods in the morning.

This morning the 25th I took a 2nd dose of the egg yolks + lime juice + virgin coconut oil liver flush which made me ultra sleepy the whole morning.  Whenever I had a bout of itching on a leg or a thigh I would scratch it until it breaks the surface.  Itching is detoxing.  The body has decided to dump toxins through the skin, it welts, it itches and it wants out so I let it out.  There is some skin breaking bearable pain… and it relieves the itch… so I will have little scabs soon… good… let the blood flow.  I’m wearing a jalaba… a jedi type robe… and no underwear so my butt and legs are free.

Diet today aside from the egg yolks I took is just fruits… I’m not hungry… coconut juice… later apple juice… and later avocado leaves tea.  I already took my Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea after lunch.

Tomorrow will be my 3rd dose of the 2 egg yolks + 3 limes + 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil liver flush.

I’ve declined going to a party tonight and will stay home and hope to recuperate.

My theory is that the dewormer and the zapper had killed off a lot of the protozoa / parasites and now I’m just going through a massive detox of their dead bodies.  Maybe.

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