We finally went to the beach! After weeks of badgering, I convinced my children to go and visit the beach overnight. My favorite beach lately is Laiya Batangas with the Balakbakan fishing village fishermen and their provincial hut accommodations. Complete with deep well pump and bamboo tables and bamboo bed. [Read more…]
Child Eczema Drying? Drying itch? Lacks Minerals? Lacks Fat? Laiya Batangas Beach, Ocean Water, Ocean Breeze, Fishing
Child Eczema Cure: Alkalizing Baths, Vitamin E on Skin, Tuna Sashimi, Beef Sashimi, Fermented Cod Liver Oil and Butter Oil + Fruits, Probiotics LactoBacili, PyroEnergen
Child eczema cure in progress. We have gotten rid of those terrible tomatoes. Even if they were native and raw. So the tomato experiment was a bust. Aajonus Vonderplanitz meant well, but tomatoes just suck for my kid’s case. We are back on track without those darned tomatoes. Just waiting for his body to expel each and every tomato irritant he’s had for the past few weeks. [Read more…]
Child Eczema Warm Bath with Chamomile Tea, Epsom Salts and Baking Soda and Kidney Cleansing
Around 6pm this evening I got my boy on the alkalizing bath with 4 tea bags of chamomile tea, 1 cup of epsom salts and 1 cup of baking soda. Yeah, I know the curezone.com formula said 2 cups of epsom salts, but I thought being too alkaline can be overwhelming. [Read more…]