Cystic Acne! Grossest Video I’ve Ever Seen. I used to have these on my face!

If you have read my eczema cure story I used to have a lot of cystic acne. I endured lots of torture under dermatologists who only knew this kind of physical surgery of bursting the ripe acne, then painfully injecting my face with steroids. I suffered enough, then the doctor and my mother decided on an experimental drug then in 1986 called Ro-Accutane, today just called accutane. It stopped the pimples for a while, but my liver took a big hit. Thus I had my full blown eczema by 35 besides other side issues. Every health problem I had was resolved by the detoxes, pollution avoidance and eventually going on a raw paleo diet. [Read more…]

Tylenol (Acetominophen) Use by Teens Higher Risk for Eczema says International Study

“There have been numerous similar studies in the past – but according to a new international study, teenagers who use acetaminophen, better known under the brand name of Tylenol – run a higher risk of asthma, allergic nasal conditions and the skin disorder eczema.” See full article at My comments follow below.
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A testimonial from Louis

I worked hard for 3 weeks. On the last day i woke up and all the eczema in my arms and legs had cleared. I feel I had woken up to a bad dream.