Mr. Patchman’s True Cure Story

Subject: True Cure Story (Long One)
From: [Email Address]
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006
To: Edwin Casimero

Hi, Edwin

I’m 27 years old from Manila. I’m grateful that I chanced upon your website sometime in May 2006 because it was the day a miracle had happened to me and to my problem of one year. My problem was a tiny patch on my left elbow, initially I thought was just a insect-bite until I noticed it wasn’t healing faster than I think it was supposed to be. Before I came across your website I tried every remedy that I was suggested to do. I am always a firm believer of natural remedy but growing up in this world I was made to believe that the only acceptable solution was to visit a doctor. I went to see a dermatologist and was very much impressed with her because she was the only person whose advice from was far more effective than the others. The advice? saline compress and some anti-allergy pills plus antibiotics and STEROIDS. At first I didn’t know much about steriods except that it was used by bodybuilders for their muscles. My wound was cured in about 2 weeks. I was impressed with this doctor because she gave me the easiest and effective treatment for my problem of over a year and I became more impressed to her because during one of my visits in her clinic I saw her reading a local book about how to get rich the pinoy way, which happened to be my favorite book at that time. But as time goes by my skin patch keeps on returning back on another area or spot of my body just after the other problem patch was cleared by steriods. This resulted also to me returning back to my doctor everytime I had a new eruption. The more I visited her the more she seems to be disinterested in me, maybe she was more interested in making more money I thought. At first I was hesistant to follow your instructions to the letter as what you have cited on the cure stages. I couldn’t find an alternative doctor and my resources was limited in terms of time and money to do exactly what you have tried from buying pancreatin, going to a beach or looking for all the herbs such as avocado leaves or drinking the phyton’s bile. During also this time I discovered curezone and Dr. Hulda Clark and Dr. Pagano. I got a pdf copy of Clark’s cure for all diseases and absorbed it. I tried to research every literature and stories that I could find and see if it is credible. On June 2006 I decided to try the apple fasting as you mentioned on the site, just the plain method not with epsom salt etc. although I made some modifications later but the results were astonishing, I can’t begin to tell you how energized I felt after that. I took some photos of the green stones I expelled on my first liverflush. To my excitement I did another liverflush after a week( which I know is bad because our body needs to recover after a liverflush just like a surgical patient needs to recover after an operation) this time I made a little modification…I break my apple fasting by drinking one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and I substitute Coconut oil instead of Olive oil and immediately I went straight to the bathroom and expelled what I believe to be a mucoid plaque together with a bunch of hairlike root strand …I can show you the photos If you want. I suspect that these are candida parasites, I maybe wrong. After my second flush my eczema was healed at the same rate as the steriods.

I am very much thankful that you opened a whole new world in me especially toward my aspects in terms of health. I see a different view now and made me listen to what my body is telling me. I still have a long way to go though. I sometimes tend to eat unhealthy offensive foods and I’m also guilty of doing unhealthy lifestyles. For my parting shot, I once saw a comics of a fish bowl with two fishes swimming around, the healthy fish was starring at the sick fish swimming upsidedown and the caption says, “If the fish is sick…change the water.” This is the same analogy with us human reminding us that we should have a healthy diet if we think we are sick all the time. Thanks a load EDWIN CASIMERO!!!

Mr. Patchman

Ask Moreless Testimonial: Evanluck

evanluck – Candida , Acne, facial rashes, dry/itchy skin, dandruff and scalp eczema – 98% percent symptom free!

“Finally after some prayer about my health, I found moreless’ posts on the candida forum. I am beginning to understand how God allows you to discern his truth. When I began to read the information that moreless was posting, I just knew it was the truth. Also I can be very inquisitive and detail-oriented when it comes to information and to me when approaching his information with an open-mind and a heart for change it all make alot of logical sense.

Anyways four months into the regimine, I am 98% percent symptom free. My weight and skin have not looked and felt this good since high school (I’m 35 now.)…”


See his full story at the Ask Moreless website.

Shirley’s Wellness Cafe author used to suffer from Eczema

Shirley is a health advocate. She took the long hard road to cure her own eczema and today shares her knowledge with the rest of the world so the rest of you dear readers will have an easier path to wellness.

“I suffered from severe eczema with painful swelling and oozing of the skin, bleeding cracks, severe scaling, itching and burning. When I sweated, it felt as if acid was poured all over me. I suffered miserably for 49 years from this horrible disease which totally debilitated me. No creams, potions, salves, or anything else cured my condition. It wasn’t until I turned 50 that I finally discovered how to heal my skin by igniting my own internal healing force. Ironically in the process of curing my eczema my overall health and vitality improved dramatically. If you expect to find a magic bullet cure here, you’ll be disapointed. In a nutshell, I credit my healing to homeopathy, natural rawfood diet, special oils, uropathy, and herbal remedies.”


See Shirley discuss her full story and insights at Shirley’s Wellness Cafe.