Archives for June 2009

Healing my 5 year old boy of bubbles on fingers and raw skin in one web between fingers

Last week I saw my 5 year old boy scratching vigorously his hands. He’s the silent type. Doesn’t complain much. Being the hands on parent I saw just how serious his predicament was. He had all these bubbles on the underside of his left hand on the first digits of all his fingers. What was worse is the web between his tall man and pointer finger was turned raw. Looks like eczema to me. Must be caused by the change of now going to school. [Read more…]

20 year old Young Man eats a Raw Food Diet to Cure his Psoriasis

Arnold the health activist interviews a 20 year old young man named Parsten. He used to have psoriasis. Parsten met a couple of helpful people who taught him fasting, detoxing, juicing and how to do a raw food diet. Now he knows that psoriasis is just a survival mechanism, the body expels toxins through the skin. Stay the course of a raw food diet and stay psoriasis free. Cured? Definitely. Please follow nature’s specifications, humans were meant to eat raw food. [Read more…]

Henry Bieler MD explains emergency vicarious elimination aka eczema and psoriasis

In the continuation of Dr. Henry Bieler’s explanation of why you are sick and the reason is toxemia; he now explains what emergency vicarious elimination of toxins is. This is basic education that all psoriatics and all eczematics must learn and learn deeply. I and my brother have found these concepts to be true because we have been eczema sick and psoriasis sick and are now cured because we addressed these root cause concepts. And we were cured prior to ever reading Henry Bieler’s work. You should have the benefit of our hindsight and be cured faster than we did. [Read more…]