Archives for April 2006

Toxemia and Vicarious Elimination

Toxemia means blood poisoning. Way back in 1926, a famous Colorado healer, JH Tilden MD, wrote a book which was the culmination of a lifetime of clinical experience, Toxemia Explained. Dr. Tilden was radical. He didn’t believe drugs cured disease. He had one simple thesis:

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My successful 5th liver flush results

I would like to report a very successful 5th liver / gallbladder flush that ended yesterday 15th April 2006.

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Banned from seems to be a sister company or spin-off web site of I tested this forum by registering with the same nickname “gentleman.” After only 3 posts I immediately got banned for:

“In regards to your post in the assisted death thread. In the thread you make some remarks that have required the moderation team to move your post because it can be considered offensive. Posting offensive material ether knowingly or unknowing is against forum rules. Please re read the rules

if you cannot follow these rules you will be banned so while we value discussion we will not tolerate offensive behaviour on this forum.”

It was a 1 strike ban.

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