Archives for 2006

Hulda Clark added to my list of must reads

I was lucky to stumble upon one of Dr. Hulda Clark’s books in the local book store, The Cure for All Cancers. It is an Indian reprint 1999. Great stuff. New info for me, especially regarding parasites, cleaning up your home environment and many other details.

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My brother tries flaxseed oil an omega 3 supplement

I again revisited Shirley’s Wellness cafe to check on how she was able to finally solve her eczema problem. She mentions amazing results from omega 3 supplementation using flaxseed oil. I immediately recommended this to my brother.

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My eczema cure protocol circa November 2006

Eczema is cureable. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. I got well. You can too.

You have probably read my eczema cure story at It was a personal account written just after I declared myself cured in April 2006.

How would I have handled my eczema which started back then in early 2005 if I knew then what I know now?

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