Archives for 2007

Uncle Boyet’s Kidney Cancer Cure Update May 27, 2007

Now that Uncle Boyet understands that the lower back pain he suffered for 26 years was kidney pain, he now uses this as a measure of his cancer cure protocol. Uncle Boyet reports his lower back pain has vanished, disappeared, gone for 4 days now.

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May 2007 Eczema Cure Protocol

I have gained much knowledge these past few weeks and I present some significant changes in this cure protocol. First, I have dropped the “Ask Moreless” website from my cure protocol as my experience with pure alkaline chemicals have proved disastrous and in my view pure chemicals are dangerous to handle.

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Uncle Boyet’s Kidney Cancer Cure Program

Uncle Boyet is the youngest brother of my mother in law. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer in April 2007 after finding it difficult to urinate, in excruciating pain, urinated blood and was diagnosed to have a 3.7 inch x 3.7 inch x 3.7 inch cyst engulfing his right kidney.

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