Archives for 2007

My terrible burn infection and final stages of recovery

A number of weeks ago I tried an alkalizing protocol using calcium hydroxide in an effort to experiment with ways to help my brother Bugoy with his full body eczema. This experiment turned out to be a total disaster as the alkali was absorbed through my old eczema sites and I suffered painful intra muscle 2nd degree alkali burns which caused debilitating stubborn infections that even crossed over to my 5 year old son.

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MIL: 3rd liver flush using Hulda Clark method

Our last report of Mil told of how she resorted to using a steroid cream to achieve temporary relief of itching. Last week she went through her 3rd liver flush and for the first time used Hulda Clark’s protocol.

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My 13th Liver Flush, chemical burn and infection recovery

I did a Hulda Clark style liver flush which spanned last Friday and Saturday (March 9th and 10th). I still expelled a good show of liver stones. Not as much as my 12th liver flush. But the results were significant and I’m sharing my photos here.

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