Archives for January 2008

Itching, Scratching and Body Wisdom

It’s okay to scratch an itch. No sense in torturing yourself not to. Your body generates the itch because it needs to expel those toxins, whatever they are. Fingernails were meant to scratch. It is how you scratch that matters.

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Diet is one of the most important ways to improve your health

We’ve talked about diet so much lately in the past few weeks. There is more, a lot more. Choose which ones work for you. I am collating material from Healing Crow and New Treatments in this article.

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Fresh Goat Liver: A Paleolithic Meal and a lesson in Freshness

I discovered that the EDSA Central Bus Terminal before the Trinoma Mall is a great place to buy fresh goats! There are five or six goat stalls there in that one terminal, all side by side, interleaved with canteens that serve all goat dishes. Goat heaven for goat lovers. You can buy any goat part you want, freshly slaughtered in the morning or right in front of you. You can buy live goats too.

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