Archives for January 2010

Assert yourself versus your loved ones when it comes to a Raw Food Diet

Most of today’s mental conditioning worships magic potions like drugs or herbs as instant cures for diseases. Yet by now you know that in real life, diseases do not work that way. Eventually if you want a true cure in every sense for your disease you will come up to a raw food diet. Unfortunately when you search the internet and look for natural healers most of them have been hijacked with the raw vegan only mentality. [Read more…]

Chime in with your thoughts on an ad-free eczema cure website

My staff and I are busy constructing a new ad free eczema cure website. Just like this current website, there has to be a funding mechanism or it won’t happen. My staff won’t work on it because I’ll have nothing to pay them with. [Read more…]

Dry Skin? Try this Raw Fatty Lubricating Daily Diet and Living Routine

Dry skin sufferers depend on their lotions. However labeled “natural”, they are external kludges and eventually will do harm in the long run. Lubrication and hydration of the body is not what people conventionally expect. That is why people continue to get sick. This suggestion is a conglomeration of what I learned by experience and experimenting with the teachings of Aajonus Vonderplanitz in his 2 books. [Read more…]