Archives for April 2011

Over The Counter Treatment For Psoriasis that Works?

I have a challenge. I’m looking for over the counter treatment for psoriasis that actually works. I’m looking for testimonials from people who swear they weren’t paid by the outfit to give their testimonials. Is it a cream? A lotion? A pill? And has your psoriasis actually 100% gone away for good for months or years? [Read more…]

Canola Oil Un-Natural, Engineered Plant May Be Bad for Eczema and Psoriasis

According to an investigative report at, Canola oil stands for Canadian Oil. This is a genetically engineered rapeseed oil. Thus it does not occur in nature. Thus un-natural. And in my experience, anything un-natural may be bad for eczema and psoriasis. You want to play by nature’s rules. You want to win with nature, not by going against nature. [Read more…]

Psoriasis and Ice Cream is Just so Wrong in Many Ways

Father and son are psoriasis prone. They have adjusted a good amount of their diet and lifestyle. But seeing both of them eat ice cream is just plain wrong on many levels.

Saying cream is just whipped cream fat is wrong – It has dairy traces, factory pasteurized dairy, allergens. [Read more…]