Archives for November 2011

Child Eczema Cure: Promise of 6 months on Raw Paleo Diet

When it was hands down shown that it is raw paleo diet that was saving my son from disease, my wife and my son took it seriously. Now was a good time this morning to get a commitment from both of them. At a minimum 6 months on a raw paleo diet. Even if he starts going to school. [Read more…]

Child Eczema Cure: Barefoot Herbalist MH LBB Capsules Arrive Friday 04 November Boy Poops Daily

Friday 04 November in the afternoon Barefoot Herbalist MH LBB capsules arrived. We had this delivered by the fastest and most expensive FEDEX delivery method. It was worth it. Since Friday the 4th, then Saturday the 5th, then Sunday the 6th our boy has been pooping daily. And lots of them. No need for olive oil enemas. [Read more…]

Child Eczema Treatment: 3 Days of Raw Paleo Diet Immense Progress

After that horrid regression with 2 days of Filipino rice and cooked vegetable and cooked fish, I had solidly ingrained in my wife and my child that “look, that cooked stuff does not work, and neither will just your medication work.” They learned, and they now have the conviction that raw paleo diet is it. [Read more…]