Eczema Cure by Not Consuming Fruit Plus Large Amounts of Sunlight

In the raw paleo forum community, a couple of members happily report that they have success with their own eczema cures by swearing off fruits and eats raw vegetables and raw meat.  Maybe it is the fructose?  Some call nature’s candy. [Read more…]

Cure Child Eczema: Natural Methods That Work – Book Review

This is my book review of Audrey Lynn’s: Cure Child Eczema, Natural Methods That work. This book was bought by my brother to give to his wife who was already panicking and ready to give in the western medicine and do more harm to their child with steroid drugs. Luckily, she came to her senses with this book. [Read more…]

Eczema Cure is Clean Food First, Herbs Last and Drugs Never

I get irritated sometimes when people ask me if this herb or that herb is good for eczema. You know, with my experience in healing eczemas and many other diseases, it becomes apparent that food is indeed the best medicine. I mean, you have to know what real food is. You know, paleo diet. Raw paleo diet even better. [Read more…]