They Don’t Want You to Know the Cure for Eczema at Skin Care Talk

I started posting eczema cure and psoriasis cure methods at Skin Care Talk forum to help the eczema sick in need. And after a few days, all my posts were wiped clean from the forum. Just goes to show the gate keepers are busy censoring free and real eczema cures. [Read more…]

The Story of Cosmetics: Stop Polluting Yourself Every Single Day

The story of cosmetics is the way the common people pollute themselves every single day. They wake up and pollute themselves with fluoridated toothpaste, using chlorinated water, with toxic shampoo, with toxic soaps, with toxic shaving cream, with toxic after shave, with toxic deodorants, with toxic make up, with toxic perfumes… it is total lunacy… [Read more…]

Infant Psoriasis with 7 month old baby improved 90% after 2 weeks of Adjustments: Proof our Cure Protocol Works

Just another day in paradise. Remember 2 weeks ago I visited a 7 month old infant with psoriasis on his face and chest? Gave the parents a referral to a good holistic doctor, then I visited their home for on-site inspection and pointed out various dietetic errors of artificial flavors, factory farmed meats, inflammation causing wheat and nightshades, artificial condiments of artificial soy sauce and artificial vinegar, and all the wrong fats with hydrogenated cooking oils… etc. Infant psoriasis down 90% in 2 short weeks. Oh so predictable. [Read more…]