Chinese Black Vinegar Helps with Eczema? Worth investigating.

I just came across a testimonial that said Chinese Black Vinegar was useful and it actually cured his eczema. Hmmm… might be a boost for those of you who refuse a raw diet. Here is what he said: [Read more…]

Face Eczema and Chest Eczema on Infant 40% Improved After My Visit

Do you remember my article where I made a house inspection to help a fully breast fed 7 month old infant with face eczema and chest eczema? The parents took good notes and immediately implemented some of our suggestions. And in 1 week their infant’s eczema has improved by 40%. [Read more…]

Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil for Fat Supplementation and VCO Detoxing

Some of my foreign readers are asking for a recommendation of virgin coconut oil. The brand we buy, Carica is a local brand. I’ve been to their main office and there does not seem to be any organized effort from the company to seriously market the same brand abroad. I believe it is important the the virgin coconut oil come from countries where coconuts are grown organic by default. Then the process is truly unheated, which makes the coconut oil truly virgin. [Read more…]