My son was complaining about tooth decay. A molar in his lower left quadrant was painful. Lucky for him I had just read about improving the cure tooth decay protocol of Rami Nagel. Aside from high fat, low carb and good greens and avoiding sweet fruit… there was also the thing about cleaning your mouth, disinfecting it, allowing the tiny tubules in your teeth to be able to repair themselves. I owe this insight to a combination of the Mouth Matters book author interview and the insights from the 2800 year old man. [Read more…]
Cure Tooth Decay Protocol using Oil Pulling with VCO and Oregano Oil
Markedly Improved Indoor Air After Bombing with Garlic and Onions
If you have been following my eczema cure blog you may have read our quest for clean indoor air, pollution avoidance. Our home was ravaged by a mud flood in 2009 and only lately did we clear out the ceiling which still had 8 sacks of mud / soil / dust in it. Whatever creatures or germs grew in there we suffered for it. We’ve sprayed our outdoor walls with agricultural insecticide, inside we’ve sprayed with various essential oils from eucalyptus, to clove, to oregano, to lavender, to tea tree. [Read more…]
Long Hair Experiment Successful, I Finally Got a Haircut
Time to take a break blogging about my boy and time to talk about me. As most of you know, I’m eczema cured and everything cured. I finally got the idea of experimenting growing long hair. Yes, my hair grew long enough to reach my collar and covered my ears. No itches and no irritations. Yeah! I did it for the first time in my life… the longest it has been. But it is time to have them cut and look like a clean business man.
You see, maintaining this blog is not my business. I make and maintain websites for a living and I’m the primary sales man. First impressions are important in sales. So I have to have a decent hair cut. Had it cut last night. Below are the before and after pictures. [Read more…]