Brand New 2012 Version of Website

March 7, 2012 marks the day of the launch of the latest revision of the altruistic website  After months of agonizing when this website will be done, it was finally done.  This time with all the bells and whistles we wanted in a website.  [Read more…]

What is it like to be Eczema Cured for 6 Years?

Are you curious to know what it is like to be eczema cured? How about being eczema cured for 6 years like me today? My health, my life, my habits, my preferences, my diet, my looks are so very different from 10 years ago. Everything is better, health is top notch. My dream of being healthy has been realized. I am healthy. I’ve stopped worrying about my health. It is time for me to pursue new dreams. [Read more…]

Child Eczema: Morning and Evening Food Menu and Regimen, First time Himalayan Salt Bath

Today I’ll give you a walk through of what I have to do as a parent of a 10 year old boy who is at the winning end of his eczema battle. Dedicated for all you parents of children with eczema. [Read more…]