Archives for December 2008

Why are some people born with eczema?

In the book Food is Your Best Medicine by Dr. Henry Bieler the good doctor rightously asks pointed questions: “If every mother’s greatest wish is to have a truly healthy baby, why (in most cases) does she take such poor care of herself before the baby is born? And why does she feed her child from infancy to adulthood so improperly that illness inevitably results?” [Read more…]

Psoriasis Cured Bugoy is getting fatter and getting married

Bugoy visited me last night with his fiancee.  It was my 4 year old’s birthday party and we had a Japanese inspired semi raw organic home made food.  He was fatter than last time I saw him.  He is at the edge of normal on the BMI scale at 5′ 4″ and 140 pounds.  The true test whether he was cured was when our wheel chair bound 83 year old grand mother had the chance to touch Bugoy and feel his skin, including his fat tummy. [Read more…]