Archives for May 2009

I’m cured, I’m Cured, I’m CURED to the highest standards and I trample on the misplaced PRIDE of the No Cure Camp

My message to the harmful no-cure brigades running rampant in western medical funded websites. I am eczema CURED to the highest degree and highest standards of the No Cure mental midgets. I say this… in your faces… your auto-immunity concept is downright FALSE / WRONG / garbage. I am completely for the rest of my life eczema cured because I follow the laws of NATURE… and if you are religious, you could say I follow the laws of GOD. [Read more…]

I teach Psoriasis Cure at Psoriasis Help Organization UK Forum

I thought I would reach out to all those poor suffering British people still sick of Psoriasis in their Psoriasis Help Organization UK Forum. Time to battle it out with the narrow minded who do not believe in cures. This is a full scale assault I’m pouring on, let’s see the tolerance of the moderators when it comes to CURES with NO CATCH, FREE, NOT ADVERTISING. [Read more…]

Definitive video guide to the Raw Paleolithic Diet

I would like to thank author for making this video available for everyone to realize what the original and recommended diet of human beings truly is. It is very simple: organic / wild animals, organic / wild fruits, organic vegetables. [Read more…]