Archives for February 2010

Treating Infant Eczema – Case of My 1-Year-Old Boy’s Alleged Allergy to Dogs and Grass

This experience happened in 2002. I was still obese. I did not know anything about health then. I did know about how to learn from the mistakes of others so that you would not make the same mistakes they did. [Read more…]

Yes, you have to stop eating Nightshade foods forever!

An amusing post in the Curezone forums with an anonymous post of: Should I stop eating nightshade foods forever? He found out that nightshades were poison to him. He had arthritis pain bothering him. He stopped eating nighshades. Then he forgot and ate some tomatoes and the pain suddenly hit him. He wants to know if he can heal his body enough to be able to consume nightshades again. [Read more…]

Cure Eczema by Removing All Mercury Tooth Fillings

MIL has been eczema free for a few months now. She’s trying to be clean with her diet. She had some anthroposophic treatment. But she attributes to her being eczema free from the removal of all her mercury tooth fillings. [Read more…]