Archives for September 2010

What are your 2 Biggest Psoriasis Questions? Get Free Book Pre Release

I am writing a how to cure Psoriasis for the rest of your life book. I would like to solicit your help. What are your 2 biggest psoriasis questions?

Reply below with your full name and real email address and I will email you the book when it gets done, some time in 1 or 2 months.

Socialize with the Psoriasis Cured, stop listening to the Psoriasis Sick

Stay away from forums where the blind lead the blind. I mean it. If you belong to a forum or a club full of sick people, stop. You don’t belong there. You should never belong there. Let me explain. Those forums are run by the sick, who remain sick and will be sick until the day they die. They have given up all hope that their psoriasis is curable. They believe they will have psoriasis all their lives and all they can do is merely manage their psoriasis. But we believe OTHERWISE.

We are interested in CURE, in the here and now. We don’t want the blind leading us. We want the CURED leading us. We want the people who have cured many people leading us. The cured people obviously know something the sick do not. The cured people are doing something that the sick do not or the sick refuse to do.

Now who are you? Who do you want to be? Do you want to be cured and weird like me or to stay sick and “normal?”

Let’s see, what does it take to be cured like me?

– I believe all diseases are curable
– Western pharmaceutical medicine is totally BS
– Raw Paleo Diet is the original human diet, Paleo diet is passable.
– I think steroids are deadly dangerous
– I don’t shampoo regularly and I only soap my butt crack
– I do detox protocols as I see fit
– I don’t worry that I will get psoriasis or eczema tomorrow because I know I won’t because I know what I’m doing
– I know I will be cured for the rest of my life.

How to Survive a Fruit Only Diet as a Starting Point for Child Eczema Cure

I just did some consulting for a young boy of 7 years old. It is amazing how the young family and parents are on board. They consulted with Dr. Divina Hey-Gonzales the Anthroposophic doctor and she suggested they get things started with a 3 day fruit only diet. That sounds great. The parents are going to do it at the same time as their boy. So how does one execute a 3 day fruit only diet? [Read more…]