Archives for 2010

Eating Raw Meat With Bare Hands and Teeth Demo for Eczema Cure and Psoriasis Cure

Here is a short 6 minute demonstration video of me eating some raw beef to keep you company while you try to eat raw meat and raw fat yourself. You will notice when my son moves the camera around that in this dinner table the kids also consumed some raw ripe papaya and some raw ripe mangoes. And untouched on the table are some raw ripe guavas and some raw ripe bananas. On the other side of the table that cannot be seen I finished of some 6 live clams and some raw fish danguit ceviche. [Read more…]

All Wheat and Gluten is bad for Eczema for Psoriasis for Leaky Gut

A hallelujah of sorts light bulb idea came from my brother yesterday. He shared to me that he is now convinced that wheat and any source of gluten is bad for him and his psoriasis. Duhhh… didn’t I hammer this point enough? Why it has to take the psoriasis of his son to bring it through his brain and register that all wheat and gluten is bad for eczema for psoriasis bad for leaky gut. [Read more…]

Paleo Diet Dinner with Seared Liver, Onions, Raw Tuna and Raw Sea Urchin

Ha ha ha, my wife is out of town so I have the kids to myself. Ha ha ha, Daddy rules tonight. None of that useless rice stuff. It is a paleo diet dinner. I’ve got some beautiful beef liver, a big fresh white onion, some raw tuna sashimi and raw sea urchin / uni. [Read more…]