Bugoy 1st day at job, orange juice fast sabotaged

Bugoy’s first day on his new job sabotaged his orange juice fast. Eating is more a social thing. A new job means you have to fit in and have a meal with the new boss, new officemates. He ate cooked food! Grilled fish plus rice! Bad food combining!

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Feeble old grandma arrives with Fresh Turmeric for Bugoy’s Skin Problem

Our feeble old grandmother called me up around 1:30 pm to fetch her from her sister’s house in Fairview. She wanted to go to my house to administer freshly pounded turmeric on my brother’s skin to help heal him faster.
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Witnessing Bugoy’s Ordeal with topical parasite cleansing plus Spirulina supplements

I witnessed first hand the torture Bugoy endures in hopefully rejuvenating his thickened petroleum jelly damaged skin.

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