Child Eczema Progress with Vacations, Sleep Overs and Birthday Party

Our boy, our child eczema subject just turned 11 years old! And a happy 11 year old he is. His eczema has progressed well despite the laxity in his diet, which shows his intestines are beginning to hold up. Note that we have proven to the boy that raw paleo diet is best, orange juice fasting helps, cooked meat paleo diet is not as good, but it keeps him sociable and less cranky… though he visibly deteriorates on too much cooked meat in consecutive meals without breaks. For example one time he felt a fever / flu due to too much cooked meat, then lately he developed a mouth sore / singaw. All signs of too much cooked meat or even horrors… cheating, like eating rice or a birthday cake slice. [Read more…]

Switching to Petroleum Nut Oil for Eczema

In my other blog, I tell my story of how I was helped by petroluem nut oil for my big bad welts. If it was working for me, why not try it on my boy. I’ve noticed that we have been switching from one anti infective to another as the weeks go by with my boy. Maybe this time, it is the turn of Petroleum Nut oil to do its thing.

I have noticed that the action of petroleum nut oil is to drown out and collect and expel at the central points the toxins. And then scabbing takes place. That was with my welts. With my son, it seems to be beneficial in that along with the oral health and orange juice fasts and rawish paleo diet, petroleum nut oil too has helped heal his right arm. Yes, that’s right, my son’s right arm is almost healed. Hope it does not break out anew. [Read more…]

Cure Tooth Decay Protocol using Oil Pulling with VCO and Oregano Oil

My son was complaining about tooth decay. A molar in his lower left quadrant was painful. Lucky for him I had just read about improving the cure tooth decay protocol of Rami Nagel. Aside from high fat, low carb and good greens and avoiding sweet fruit… there was also the thing about cleaning your mouth, disinfecting it, allowing the tiny tubules in your teeth to be able to repair themselves. I owe this insight to a combination of the Mouth Matters book author interview and the insights from the 2800 year old man. [Read more…]