I teach Psoriasis Cure at Psoriasis Help Organization UK Forum

I thought I would reach out to all those poor suffering British people still sick of Psoriasis in their Psoriasis Help Organization UK Forum. Time to battle it out with the narrow minded who do not believe in cures. This is a full scale assault I’m pouring on, let’s see the tolerance of the moderators when it comes to CURES with NO CATCH, FREE, NOT ADVERTISING. [Read more…]

Bugoy is fat and totally cured of his psoriasis

Bugoy passed by this evening.  I was surprised to see how plump he was with a round tummy.  I was happy to see him just like any dad happy to see his baby boy – we are some 11 years apart so this is why I sometimes mistake Bugoy for my son.  What really made me smile was that as I caressed his plump arms, I could feel them really smooth… as in really smooth.  Sure his pores have some vestige look of being enlarged, but now he is smooth as I hugged my plump baby boy. [Read more…]

Fatty Red Meat is good for you, when it is organic, wild, grassfed and RAW!

I’ve been cross checking the claims of eczema and psoriasis cure advisors and a lot of them have this vendetta against red meat… aka supermarket – factory bred – grain fed – non-organic – COOKED red meat! [Read more…]