Archives for January 2012

Child Eczema Cure: Bathing Habits, Hygiene Habits

A big factor I’m seeing with my boy and his crotch is his hygiene habits. His bathing habits. I’ve said before that I didn’t like them using shampoos and soap. Great. But this 10 year old boy takes it to ridiculous levels and spends less than 1 minute total under the shower. He thinks just getting wet is it. Duhhhh… [Read more…]

Child Eczema: Raw Diet Break, 2 Days of Fried Chicken (don’t do this at home)

I don’t know what got into me, but this exercise may have been a good thing in the long run. It was about teaching my 10 year old boy some discipline. It was about teaching him how if I let go of his diet and he gave in to cravings of cooked food… well, the results don’t turn out very good. I put my boy on a raw food diet break. I put him on organic chicken, fried in beef fat… for 2 days… lunch and dinner. [Read more…]

Child Eczema Cure: Liver Flush, Kidney Cleanse, Apple Cider Vinegar plus Epsom Salts Bath, Argan Oil and Stopping All Medications

Seems my suspicion is correct. The boy’s liver and kidneys may just be over loaded with dead parasites and the dewormer and his anthroposophic medicines. STOP! Stop all the medicines. Stopped the dewormer, stopped the anthroposophic meds for now. Did a 1 day vco detox, which lasted only until 5:30pm. Clean the liver – egg yolk liver flush, clean the kidneys – avocado leaves tea. [Read more…]