Archives for January 2012

Child Eczema Cure: 1 day Virgin Coconut Oil Detox for Jock itch? Eczema Again on Back of Knees?

I convinced my son to go on a 1 day virgin coconut oil detox for this day Sunday. I’m concerned with his jock itch. And I’m concerned with eczema popping up again behind his knees. [Read more…]

Child Eczema Cure: Jock Itch?

My 10 year old boy seems to have developed jock itch. Right underneath his balls and almost to his butt hole. Seems this is the area where we do not put oregano oil because he feels the oregano oil reaches his butt hole and causes him pain. [Read more…]

Child Eczema Cure: LBB Finished Moving on to Barefoot Herbalist MH Dewormer Parasite Cleanse

Thanks to the suggestion of Michelle in Kansas about the possibility of mites… dust mites burrowing under my son’s skin when they saw the opportunity of eczema. Then when the oregano oil came along, the mites burrowed themselves even deeper reaching the blood stream. Maybe the mites and other parasites are the cause of my son’s mucus, cold, phlegm? This is the hypothesis for now. [Read more…]